Jon and I were invited to go to the
Winter show in Valley City, North Dakota just an hour west of Fargo with some friends, Nate and Janelle, from his work, and well, we jumped at the chance!
The two of us like to think we're country at heart, although I don't think we're cut out for farming. We both love the outdoors, the wide open spaces, and never mind getting our hands dirty.
Jon really wants to own some hunting land of our own some day and my BIG
dream is to remodel an old barn into a studio/game & guest house.
Maybe...someday, Lord willing. : )
Maybe in a beautiful barn like this! |
And some hunting land like this, the dogs and Jon love! (Here they are in Western ND this fall) |
The rodeo was great fun, lots of cowboys, belt buckles, farm equipment, beautiful horses, big bulls, and some fried food!! Jon and I both had a corn dog and some kettle corn, yum!!
We got to see some of Jon's co-workers cattle that were being shown. They were the cleanest, softest cows I have ever seen or felt! She was really gentle and loved having her ear scratched. :)
While I waited for our corn dogs they handed me a was a cow ear tag, so clever! |
Here Here America!
They had it all: Steer wrestling...
Bronc Riding... Female Barrel racing...
And of course Bull riding! |
He doesn't look too scary...kinda cute with his curly hair!
We had a great time with Nate and Janelle, looking forward to our next Rodeo this summer!
Sorry the pics are a little fuzzy the arena was REALLY dusty the whole time.
Have you gone to a rodeo before? What is your favorite part of the experience?
So, I've had my pout about the finicky blogger deleted this post early last week and I had to redo it all. I am back and will be posting more often, so check back's painting season :)